Thursday, December 02, 2004

Transformation from the Inside... Out

The word “Transformation” suggests changing something from one thing to another… from one state of being to another state of being; it suggests creating something new from something old… it suggests moving across and over and through boundaries and obstacles in order to form new realities, new skills, new competencies, new products and new services.

In order for transformation - whether personal, social or organizational to occur, I propose that a radical shift in mindsets, in thinking, in the mental models of the people involved must occur.

The key here is that in order for transformation to occur on the outside - this radical shift must occur on the inside. Not inside families, or societies or organizations - but within the hearts and minds - feelings and thoughts - of each individual.

Transformation - whether within organizations, communities, families or individuals - starts within each individual - from the inside... and then to the outside.

Posted by Marcus M. Mottley, Ph.D.

Saturday, November 06, 2004


I am excited at the prospect of using my blog to share very useable and worthwhile information with everyone who is interested in how to transform their lives.