Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Plant Seeds!

What kinds of seeds are you sowing in the fields of your mind?

‘The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed which a man took and sowed in his field; it is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.’ (Matthew, 13:31-32).

All of us sow seeds.

If you are in the garden or backyard, you can sow seeds of thorny shrubs, poisonous plants, or trees that bear life-sustaining fruits. However, some of our most important seeds are sown in the fields of our mind. When you ask questions they become like seeds. They will blossom and bear fruit. Depending on your questions, the fruits can be bitter or sweet. I believe that many of our problems occur when we sow the wrong seeds and ask the wrong questions of life. For example, we too often ask ‘why’ questions when we ought be asking ‘how’ questions. “How can I get out of this financial mess?” Rather than, “Why me?”

Plant seeds which will grow ideas, strategies, possibilities, and solutions to empower your life.

According to Dottie Walters, “Anyone can cut an apple open and count the number of seeds. But, who can look at a single seed and count the trees and apples? We cannot imagine that this small object is even alive. Yet when it is placed in the soil, a transformation process is started – one that gradually – in time, will nurture and give sustenance to humans, birds and insects.

The smallest question is also like a seed. When it is put in the fertile soil of your mind it contributes to your “tree” of knowledge – which will then produce many “fruits”. Yet when we look at the question (like the seed), we cannot see its mighty potential – a potential which lies hidden from casual observation.

Like seeds, your questions will blossom larger than life in the fields of your mind and in the acres of your life.

Caution: Be careful that you not sowing seeds of thorn trees, poisonous plants or parasitic vines in your mind! Ensure that you are sowing seeds of empowerment, creative, positive possibilities and success.

By asking the right questions in the right ways, you will be transformed beyond anything currently visible or even imaginable.

(From Ask, Seek, Knock! by Marcus Mottley, Ph.D.)

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